Monday, June 29, 2015

Here Are 12 Cold Treats to Make for Your Fur Babies This Summer

Here Are 12 Cold Treats to Make for Your Fur Babies This Summer

When summer gets too hot and your pups are wanting something cold to keep them cool, this perfect to look at when that time comes. Click here to see the page and see the full recipes.
1. Dogsicle

2. Fruity Froyo Pops

3. Frozen Peanut Butter Treat

4. PB & J Freezies

5. Frozen Yogurt, Bananas and Peanut Butter Treats
6. Pupsicles

7. Pops for Pups

8. PB & Fruit Ice

9. Red & Blue Pawsicle

10. Frozen Meat Treats

11. Frozen Banana Blueberry Treats

(No image selected)
12. Frosty Pumpkin

Article by:  Justine Figueroa 
All right reserved to the creators of the treats.

(Thank you Misty Weese for sharing this with me)


  1. I'd always have to rub around the outside of any frozen treats for my dog - she once got her tongue stuck to a pupsicle and looked so distressed that I didn't want it to happen again!

    1. Hi! There are many other dog recipes for frozen dog treats that doesn't include anything but ice. :) Like #1, that's just ice with chew toys inside of it. Anything to keep a dog cool during a hot day is always good. :)
